Funny thing is that (last I checked) CAIS has a T3 from Sprint [for Transit] so even if UUNet pulls their agreement, they are already buying transit from another network. -Deepak. On Fri, 2 May 1997, Charles F. Crizer Jr. wrote:
Well, just as I was about to give CAIS the heave-ho, I find that CAIS is one of the first companies to tell UUNET to shove-it.
See: http://www.prnewswire.com:80/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/oracle/dbtmp/111126&EDATE= (The above URL is one line.)
And http://www.clark.net/pub/rbenn/debate.html
This is cool. CAIS, has my complete support! GIVE 'EM HELL GUYS!!!
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles F. Crizer Jr. KF4MNE Senior Systems Engineer ccrizer@dyncon.net Certified Novell Administrator http://www.cais.com/dyncon -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1997 Charles F. Crizer Jr. All Rights Reserved.