You may have heard that the US and Canada are going to start requiring passports for air travel between them beginning "soon". That date is currently set as 8 Jan 2007, which is before February NANOG. MERIT has noted this on the web site, but a cursory check of my list archives didn't turn up mention of it (sorry if I overlooked it; the last couple of weeks have been hectic), so I figured I'd include the pointer: http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0702/passport.html as well as a link to the State Department: http://travel.state.gov/passport/passport_1738.html Normal passport processing is "within six weeks", but that probably doesn't take the holiday season into account. If you don't have a passport already and plan to travel from the US to NANOG 39 in Toronto, getting on that project sometime in the next month or so would allow plenty of spare time. No reason to pay expedite fees if you don't have to. ---Rob