Normally, I don't participate in this sort of thing, but I'm a sucker for a "there's more than one way to do it" challenge. Shadow wrote:
Robert D. Scott wrote:
The harder way:
Decimal: 1089055123 Hex (dashes inserted at octals): 40-E9-A9-93 Decimal (of each octet): 64-233-169-147 IP Address:
The "this could take all day" way :
(in bc with scale=0 for integer portions only)
1089055123/(2^24)%(2^8) 64 1089055123/(2^16)%(2^8) 233 1089055123/(2^8)%(2^8) 169 1089055123/(2^0)%(2^8) 147
(Note: 2^0=1 & x/1=x so last line could reduce to 1089055123%(2^8).)
-Nicholas shadow@gti.net
The "ugly, please adjust according to your endianness, etc" way: int *dec; unsigned char *oct1, *oct2, *oct3, *oct4; main(int argc, char **argv) { dec = malloc(sizeof(int)); *dec = 1089055123; oct4 = dec; oct3 = oct4 + sizeof(char); oct2 = oct3 + sizeof(char); oct1 = oct2 + sizeof(char); printf("dec: %lu ip: %hu.%hu.%hu.%hu\n", *dec, *oct1, *oct2, *oct3, *oct4); }