Tom, Apologies to you and others who were recently affected by the change in reports. In the future, at minimum we will give at least one week's notice and provide the details for any report changes. --Steve Widmayer / Merit ***********************************************************************
To: "Steven K. Widmayer" <skw@merit.edu> Cc: nwg@merit.edu Subject: Re: Additions to the NSFNET policy-based routing database Date: Tue, 13 Apr 93 08:31:19 -0400 From: "Thomas A. Easterday (+1 313 998 6285)" <tom@cic.net>
Note: With today's update, we are changing the net-comp.now report back to its original format, due to popular demand. In the future, we will include a note (like this) at the top of the nwg message if reports ever change. Reports are available on nis.nsf.net by 08:00 EDT on routing configuration update days.
You have got to be kidding! I spent half a day fixing my scripts to read the new format and now you are changing it back?
Pained groan.....................
Tom (notice, no smily's)