Why does it matter what his position is? Sounds like they had a forged LOA from the customer and that they fixed the issue when they found out about it. I am not sure you can ask too much more from a network operator, the best thing we can hope for are companies that will cancel customers if they are abuse sources, that is exactly what happened here. Lots of people are posting on nanog with outside email addresses because they don't want to be tied too closely to the corporation for which they work, it seems totally reasonable to me especially given the mix of personal and professional ties a lot of us have in this community. The main issue here is getting results and it sounds like that happened here pretty quickly. Most technical types are good people and for the most part will work though their corporate BS to get abuse issues solved as quickly as they can. I know we do try to resolve abuse quickly and people who are nice and provide data up front just help expedite the process further, acting like a jerk is by far the least productive way to engage people in the nanog community. John -----Original Message----- From: Ronald F. Guilmette [mailto:rfg@tristatelogic.com] Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 5:46 PM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: HIJACKED: -- WTF? Does anybody care? In message <AANLkTinVLqeFVYkc91d8P-N9zvDGR5PrXREypTuiM0jg@mail.gmail.com>, rr <rooknee@gmail.com> wrote:
Hmm, thought it was a NANOG prerequisite to be able to do a google search. Should be pretty easy to find this info with that tool in your handbag.
Which info is that, exactly? Your title at Integra Telecom? Umm... well... yes.... I guess this is you, right? http://www.linkedin.com/pub/randy-rooney/6/9ab/22a So, are you THE Engineering Manager, or merely AN Engineering Manager at Integra Telecom? I'm guessing that it is a big enough outfit that you probably have more than one. (Sorry, but I can't help snickering a bit at your _prior_ employment. As I feel sure you are already painfully aware, having that on your resume does not exactly inspire a whole lotta confidence in the notion that you are a straight shooter. The words ``cover up'' are the ones that come most immediately to mind.)
With the above tool I've got your phone # and would be happy to call you if you'd like clarification on our process.
No thanks. I didn't ask for "clarification" of your "process" (whatever the hell THAT might mean), and frankly it doesn't interest me. Your process is... well... your process. Whatever it may be, it belongs to you and you should probably keep it to yourself. (Who knows? Since business processes are now patentable, maybe someday you can get a patent on it!) I did however ask for the name of the crook whose name was on the check that paid for the hijacked space routing. Is that something you can respond to, or no? If not, why not? Was Integra Telecom _actually_ defrauded? If so, who defrauded you? Did your customer, Circle Internet defraud you? If you are claining that THEY are also an innocent party in this, then who defrauded them? Whose name was on the check that THEY cashed? It really is a rather simple question, and doesn't require an elaborate, convoluted, or lengthy digression into the details of your "process". Ya know, maybe it's just me, but it would seem to me that that if either you or your customer, Circle Internet, were in fact defrauded in this case, that both of you would be altogether ready, willing, and indeed eager to ``out'' the actual crooked perpetrator... you know... instead of, like, hiding the perp's identity and thus helping him to cover his tracks. But I guess that's just me. (When somebody cheats _me_, I am not myself in the habit of then going out of my way to protect him.) Don't misunderstand me. If your company was in fact dedrauded, then allow me to express my sincere condolences for your loss. Or would it be more accurate to say your gain? You DID cash the check right? I mean your company does NOT have a policy of granting everybody three months of free service, right?
Please just reply to me off-list.
No thanks. As Jodie Foster said in the movie Contact, ``This isn't a person to person call.'' Crooks, hijacking, and mass spamming affect everybody on the whole Internet. I didn't ask for the name of the crook who signed the check just for my private or personal edification. Other ISPs should know who they need to be on the lookout for. I can assure you that just because YOU have now stopped routing space for this crook, that doesn't mean that he's going to just fold up his tent and slink quietly away into oblivion. In fact I already have evidence in hand that he's still got both IP space and snowshoe spamming domains located elsewhere (including elsewhere on Circle Internet, see below) that he is continuing to use, even as we speak. On the other hand, of course, if Integra and/or Circle Internet were in fact ``in on the game'' from the get-go, then in that case I could well and truly understand why both of your companies might now be reluctant to give up your cohort. Regards, rfg P.S. I gather that nobody at your place even so much as raised an eyebrow when tiny little Circle Internet, a company whose biggest _legitimate_ IP block prior to this incident was a mere /21, suddenly showed up on your doorstep asking to have an entire fresh new /16, belonging to an major, internationally known chemical company routed for them, correct? P.P.S. OK, so you are reluctant to give up the actual hijacker. So let's just skip that for now. Instead how about if you just tell us who owns the followng domain names which are all getting DNS from Circle Internet IP space, even as we speak. And no, I _do not_ want you to just regurgitate the fradulent bull puckey that's present within the relevant WHOIS records. (To paraphrase Red Riding Hood "My my grandma! What a lot of domains you have!" Odd that all of them were created so recently, and that none of them seem even have associated web sites. But again, I'm sure that I'm the only one in the Universe who finds any of that odd. Yea.) dns2.virtualcheck.info pinkcreditscore.info pinkcreditreport.info pinkcreditdeals.info orangereports.info orangeoffers.info orangegifts.info orangecreditsco.info orangecreditreport.info orangecreditdeals.info onlinecredit-check.info myfreecredtiscore.info knowyourself.info healthsample.info happinessonline.info freecreditscore360.info doctors-orders.info creditscorealerts.info ns2.rockboys1a.com yesimprove.info withoutinvestigate.info withoutcritique.info withinfocus.info withenable.info visionconsolidate.info versuscoordinate.info validateinstruct.info untilreview.info untilfocus.info unforgettableidea.info underneathunlikemeasure.info underneathunlike.info uncommonsuggestion.info uncommonguidance.info unbelievableguidance.info trumpenforce.info totutor.info topconvert.info tipsproduce.info timesenable.info throughreview.info throughoutcompare.info thansurvey.info terrificexplain.info surveydelegate.info supremeteach.info supplyindividualize.info submitteach.info submitinstruct.info strikingtrust.info strikingproposal.info staggeringlearn.info sincesurvey.info searchrecommend.info searchproduce.info searchprioritize.info retrievelive.info retrievechic.info reserveenable.info researchgrow.info remarkablesubject.info registersimulate.info registeradvise.info reducequick.info recordteach.info recordinstruct.info recordenable.info reconcilelearn.info reconcilefresh.info raresubject.info quickhandle.info projectmaxi.info projectabc.info phenomenalmentor.info pastexperiment.info outstandingprove.info orderinstil.info orderevaluate.info operateinstil.info operateevaluate.info ontostimulate.info ontoexperiment.info ontoadvise.info offconduct.info noteworthyeducation.info nearbyinvestigate.info nearbyindividualize.info moremanage.info measurenavigate.info measurecontract.info marvellousteach.info marvellousintroduce.info magnificienttell.info locatemerge.info locateimprove.info locatehire.info locatedelegate.info likesurvey.info keyinspect.info investigatereview.info investigateinspect.info inexamine.info hotappoint.info groovyrecommend.info forsimulate.info followingteach.info flexlead.info flexconsider.info filecoordinate.info fantasticlearn.info failingevaluate.info extraordinarysuggestion.info extraordinaryproposal.info extraordinarylearn.info extractterminate.info extractapprove.info experimentsecure.info executeenable.info excludingdetect.info exceptionalwisdom.info exceptionaltutor.info exceptionalinfo.info examinelead.info estimateok.info estimatedouble.info dreamsupervise.info downmeasure.info distributefocus.info determineup.info detectlead.info despiteinstruct.info dealsstrengthen.info dayinspect.info critiqueattain.info cooloversee.info conservemax.info conductimprove.info conducthandle.info conducteliminate.info concerningfocus.info concerning.info computefind.info completehire.info compiletutor.info compileevaluate.info codesimulate.info coachstimulate.info classifytrain.info classifycoordinate.info circainform.info butindividualize.info budgetover.info budgetgrow.info besthandle.info besideevaluate.info beneathsimulate.info belowexamine.info behindsimulate.info barringcoordinate.info atopsurvey.info atopextract.info atenable.info atcompare.info assistindividualize.info answersimulate.info amongextract.info againstsimulate.info advocateevaluate.info abovemotivate.info finelovewithme.com whosthefarest.com rockboys1b.com rockboys1a.com leanbackfront.com ns1.rockboys1a.com 155 yesimprove.info withoutinvestigate.info withoutcritique.info withinfocus.info withenable.info visionconsolidate.info versuscoordinate.info validateinstruct.info untilreview.info untilfocus.info unforgettableidea.info underneathunlikemeasure.info underneathunlike.info uncommonsuggestion.info uncommonguidance.info unbelievableguidance.info trumpenforce.info totutor.info topconvert.info tipsproduce.info timesenable.info throughreview.info throughoutcompare.info thansurvey.info terrificexplain.info surveydelegate.info supremeteach.info supplyindividualize.info submitteach.info submitinstruct.info strikingtrust.info strikingproposal.info staggeringlearn.info sincesurvey.info searchrecommend.info searchproduce.info searchprioritize.info retrievelive.info retrievechic.info reserveenable.info researchgrow.info remarkablesubject.info registersimulate.info registeradvise.info reducequick.info recordteach.info recordinstruct.info recordenable.info reconcilelearn.info reconcilefresh.info raresubject.info quickhandle.info projectmaxi.info projectabc.info phenomenalmentor.info pastexperiment.info outstandingprove.info orderinstil.info orderevaluate.info operateinstil.info operateevaluate.info ontostimulate.info ontoexperiment.info ontoadvise.info offconduct.info noteworthyeducation.info nearbyinvestigate.info nearbyindividualize.info moremanage.info measurenavigate.info measurecontract.info marvellousteach.info marvellousintroduce.info magnificienttell.info locatemerge.info locateimprove.info locatehire.info locatedelegate.info likesurvey.info keyinspect.info investigatereview.info investigateinspect.info inexamine.info hotappoint.info groovyrecommend.info forsimulate.info followingteach.info flexlead.info flexconsider.info filecoordinate.info fantasticlearn.info failingevaluate.info extraordinarysuggestion.info extraordinaryproposal.info extraordinarylearn.info extractterminate.info extractapprove.info experimentsecure.info executeenable.info excludingdetect.info exceptionalwisdom.info exceptionaltutor.info exceptionalinfo.info examinelead.info estimateok.info estimatedouble.info dreamsupervise.info downmeasure.info distributefocus.info determineup.info detectlead.info despiteinstruct.info dealsstrengthen.info dayinspect.info critiqueattain.info cooloversee.info conservemax.info conductimprove.info conducthandle.info conducteliminate.info concerningfocus.info concerning.info computefind.info completehire.info compiletutor.info compileevaluate.info codesimulate.info coachstimulate.info classifytrain.info classifycoordinate.info circainform.info butindividualize.info budgetover.info budgetgrow.info besthandle.info besideevaluate.info beneathsimulate.info belowexamine.info behindsimulate.info barringcoordinate.info atopsurvey.info atopextract.info atenable.info atcompare.info assistindividualize.info answersimulate.info amongextract.info againstsimulate.info advocateevaluate.info abovemotivate.info finelovewithme.com whosthefarest.com rockboys1b.com rockboys1a.com leanbackfront.com