If the information in the following message means what I think it means in then somebody is colocating an entire new set of root nameservers at exchange points within the USA if not internationally.
Can they do this? Or are they bluffing?
If you want to comment on issues related to top level domain names but not related to network operations, please, please, please post those comments to newdom@iiia.org only even if it means replying twice to this message. Believe me, you do *NOT* want to crosspost between NEWDOM and NANOG and you do *NOT* want to attract these discussions into NANOG either.
Michael Dillon - ISP & Internet Consulting Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-604-546-3049 http://www.memra.com - E-mail: michael@memra.com
Well, without commenting religiously for or against the AlterNIC concept/ reality, I'd say that they can't force the issue since many sites will be unwilling (or unable technically) to change where they point for root DNS. I'm not aware of any huge problems with performance or reliability among the existing roots... <snip>
IANA runs their roots - what happens if AlterNIC gets enough people to recognize their roots, and serves out their own TLDs? Does the IANA have an enforcement branch? <snip> Which, among other things, outperformed and were more stable than the current roots.
What do you think might happen? :-)
Hint: This is not a hypothetical question.
I think some people might use them; others might not; and others claim that they would never use them. The question is whether the others that claim that they would never use them control enough of the 'net to make the new/alternate TLDs useless. Avi