Sean, A long time ago, you wrote in this forum about our use of BGP no-export.
Does anyone know what's going on in Canada?
Yes, we do. The more specific routes of are doing exactly what is intended, which is routing via Sprint. Some customers, which were sadly allocated from our aggregate, and are, well, still working on returning the space, are also connected to Sprint. We have the aggregate, they are dual connected routes which we still have connectivity to, Sprint carries the more specifics and advertises them because the customer is advertising the more specifics to Sprint. Nothing iSTAR can do about this... We have withdrawn alot of more specifics recently (around a thousand, I think) and are now working on more aggregation. This is a good thing. But we still need to surpress the downstream specifics that we use for MEDs and getting our east/west loading correct. Thus the BGP no-export on things we aggregate. In fact, with any non-portable aggregate we have, we have longer prefixes exported no-export to ensure that the MEDs work correctly and the MED-ed longer prefixes are not passed downstream. I do not ever recall hearing about you trying to contact us on this issue. noc@istar.ca works as an inter-ISP contact point. Please write me privately if there is an issue here for you - I would be fascinated in your findings on dually announced (and unregistered) routes or longer prefixes. Its very hard these days to track who is punching holes in your aggregates, and registering them in multiple ASes. Still catching up on old email, Eric M. Carroll iSTAR internet Inc. Voice: (613) 780-2287 250 Albert St, Ste 202 Fax: (613) 780-6666 Ottawa ON K1P 6M1 Corporate Support: (888) 478 2778 Subscriber Support: (888) GO ISTAR