In <v02140b1daf2ff1f4b577@[]>, Chris Russo <crusso@alink.net> wrote:
As was mentioned before, you shouldn't have to pay an ISP to have a domain name reserved.
Yes, you should. Currently, to register a domain, both with the InterNIC and the AlterNUTS, you need to specify at least two nameservers to serve DNS data for your domain. If you list an ISP's nameservers on your domain registration, you sure as hell should pay that ISP. You can take this issue the other way, and say that the InterNIC shouldn't require two nameservers on the initial registration, but I think that's a bad idea. The two-nameserver requirement raises at least a minimum bar that rampant domain-grabbers have to jump. This has nothing at all to do with NANOG. I've set Reply-To: to rs-talk@internic.net, the InterNIC's list for discussing registry issues. -- Michael Handler <handler@sub-rosa.com> Washington, D.C. know your faults / know your friends / be prepared / to take revenge -- MoLG