On 4/3/13 6:25 PM, Warren Bailey wrote:
I'm shocked Ookla hasn't been eaten by some major ISP. Speed tests are the root of most complaints. Your link is congested (oversubed) and you then attempt to completely saturate your bandwidth to tell your provider what a suck job they are doing. I can't imagine wireless isps or those with limited bandwidth haven't black holed those kind of performance tools. My world (satellite) is plagued by people who are speed testing very narrow band connections and expecting 15mbps down. They don't realize Speedtest is not an accurate representation of your connection as you cannot influence your bandwidth upstream. Ds3 from you to your 56k modem type of scenario comes to mind. It may *not* be your provider who is responsible for your issues (some people Speedtest just to call their provider to complain for service credits etc).
Telling people to get by with even less instrumentation then they have already doesn't win you any friends. The solution to bad instruments is better instruments not breaking flow meter off the well.
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
-------- Original message -------- From: Seth Mattinen <sethm@rollernet.us> Date: 04/03/2013 6:13 PM (GMT-08:00) To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Speedtest Results speedtest.net vs Mikrotik bandwidth test
On 4/3/13 2:52 PM, Paul Stewart wrote:
We host one of the gazillion speed test sites and for networks that are close to us we find it "reasonably accurate" .. a good benchmark at least ..
The speedtest.net that's hosted on one of my directly connected transits is consistently wrong, which is always fun. But the customers cling to those results like it's the word of God.