いつもお世話になっております かわさき@ giganetです。 My hovercraft is full of eels.(translated by Peter.) First of all, thank you for translating my poor Japanese to wonderful English. :-) Having said that, I will investigate IDC. I have a question about "route map", if I want to influence BGP so that traffic to tw will take that route, IDC, what I can do? I was told in the past, I can mess aroud with "route map" command. But I am not certain how, Do you have any suggestions. TIA, Tatsuya かわさき TK3197 = = = = = = Business Network Telecom (BNT) ビジネスネットワークテレコム株式会社 〒111-0053 東京都台東区浅草橋3-8-5 31山京ビル6階 TEL 03-5687-3945 FAX 03-5687-6009 http://www.giganet.net On Fri, 19 Jun 1998, Peter Evans wrote:
Tatsuya Kawasaki (tatsuya@giganet.net) wrote:
thnx for all who has send us the traceroute via the U.S. Here is a question.
According to BGP there seems to the only one wroute to get there. I KNOW we can send to tw via the U.S., could anyone help me how to do that?
Paths: (2 available, best #1) 4694 701 4778 4783, (aggregated by 4783
4783 - sysnet taipei 4778 - AUNET corp taipei (part of UUNET I believe) 701 - UUNET 4694 - IDC
IDC is working on pacific rim connectivity, I asked them to. But it may be that they dont have connectivity to the right transit point in taipei (or something)
TIA, Tatsuya いつもお世話になっております かわさき@ giganetです。 かわさき TK3197
For those of you that don't read Japanese. This, very roughly means: "My hovercraft is full of eels." ^_^;;
(as usual, thanks for your assistance, I'm kawasaki at giganet)
Peter ----(
-- Remember The 5 K's.