On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Murphy, Brennan wrote:
Everything is going along smoothly until an asteroid crashes into the data center of one of your ISPs in one of the cities. It causes extensive damage and a certain amount of hysteria but to you, it means that only one of your ISPs can truly reach your full /19. That is, the /24 you were advertising in that city is now only reachable via one of the ISPs. But the ISP taken out by the asteroid is still advertising the full /19.
Under the circumstances (loss of life, hysteria, sub-optimal routing), would it be appropriate to ask the unfortunate ISP to create a static route on their network to push traffic destined for that particular /24 over to the other ISP's network? This way, the /19 advertisements can be maintained and when traffic destined for that one /24 reaches the asteroid ISP, it can get passed over to the non-asteroid ISP. The route wouldnt be advertised to other carriers.....just used to make sure traffic reached the correct final destination.
It's not only reasonable, but not uncommon. I've never heard of an ISP that's had an astoroid take out a POP refuse to make these accomodations. Frankly, though, I'd try to replace them with a provider that pays a little more attention to celestial traffic patterns. James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor up@3.am http://3.am =========================================================================