On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 12:09:48 -0000 "Rod Beck" <Rod.Beck@hiberniaatlantic.com> wrote:
6. I am not aware of any Dutch per se ISP conferences although that market is certainly quite vibrant. I am also disappointed to see the Canadians and Irish have next to nothing despite Ireland being the European base of operations for Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Yahoo. And Canada has over 30 million people. Where is the National Pride?
There is an IENOG (www.ienog.org), however I believe it has been inactive for a long time. Much of the discussion occurs on the INEX (www.inex.ie) mailing lists and IRC channel. rg -- Rob Gallagher | Public Key: 0x1DD13A78 HEAnet Limited, Ireland's Education and Research Network 1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1. Registered in Ireland, no 275301 T: (+353-1) 6609040 F: (+353-1) 6603666 WWW: http://www.heanet.ie/