So I found out I had an actual end-user issue related to IPv6 test day. My mother couldn't get to our webmail with her B&N Nook Color (based on Android 2.3). I went over and couldn't connect with my T-Mobile G2 (Android 2.2) either. Their connection is via DSL and does not have IPv6 configured, but they do have a D-Link DIR-825 wireless router (just running as a wireless bridge with DHCP disabled). The DIR-825 was running an older code, 2.02NA, which was "IPv6 ready"; it had router advertisements enabled (there was no config option to disable them). The problem was that while HTTP would work on Android, HTTPS would not (you'd just get the standard "page not available" error). It appears that there is a bug in Android that keeps it from falling back to IPv4 for HTTPS connections. I don't know if that's somebody's idea of an extra level of "security" or what. I upgraded the DIR-825 to 2.05NA, which doesn't have RA always enabled, and everything works now (on IPv4 only). I haven't had a chance to set up a more detailed test; I just figured I'd throw it out there to see if anybody else saw such. -- Chris Adams <cmadams@hiwaay.net> Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.