In the immortal words of Randy Bush (randy@psg.com):
so, if we did not learn enough following the french into indochina, we can learn more by following the russians into afghanastan? this does not seem like a sucess path to me.
"Of course it's different! We're Americans!" Feh. I don't know if it's worth wasting your breath. The shock period is over, and the idiots are beginning to gibber. While we're burying our dead here in NYC, every armchair marine in the country is advocating creating more innocent bodies. If they want to help America, let them come here and dig. Otherwise, they can go to hell. -Nathan J. Mehl Brooklyn ------------------------------------------------------<memory@blank.org> Now we've got to think here. Now let's see. What would Brian Boitano do? <http://blank.org/memory/>----------------------------------------------