In article <695823102.10322.1610397074140.JavaMail.zimbra@cluecentral.net>, Sabri Berisha <sabri@cluecentral.net> wrote:
"The DNS is a natural monopoly. ...
There is also money being made in DNS. A lot of money is being made in DNS.
According to Verisign(1) Q3 of 2020 closed with 370.7 million new registrations.
That's total registrations across all TLDs, not new registrations. Verisign is by far the largest registry with about 115M in .COM and 15M in .NET. I agree that the total annual revenue of the domain biz, add up everything from Verisign and Godaddy on down, is in the ballpark of $5 billion/year. By comparison, that's about what Google makes every 10 days or what Apple makes every week. Verisign is a highly profitable fish in a tiny pool. -- Regards, John Levine, johnl@taugh.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies", Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly