22 May
22 May
8:31 a.m.
SR as a replacement for LDP, but SR-LDP imterop is imteresting too. Do.you have any experience with that? On May 22, 2018 02:59, "dip" <diptanshu.singh@gmail.com> wrote: Matt, Just to clarify, Are you asking for SR and LDP interop or SR over LDP? Two different things. Thanks Dip On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 3:11 AM, Matt Geary <matt.geary@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello maillist anyone had any experience with segment routing and its performance over LDP? We are evaluating the option to move to SR over LDP so we can label switch across our Nexus L3 switching environment.
Thanks Packet Plumber
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