Thank you all for your advice and input. I wanted to circle back with you all on this. Turns out it was my fault. Doesn't seem that this was a Telia problem at all. What happened was, when I turned up my new 10 gig Telia Internet connection a few days ago, I needed to balance out my (4) 10 gig internet connections so I chopped up a /17 into (4) /19's. When I did this, I was still advertising the /17 to my local caches, but I was advertising the (4) /19's , one on each of my (4) 10 gig internet connections. So the caches out on the public internet were learning more specific prefixes (longer masks) then my local caches were learning... so the caches on the internet were being used instead of my local caches. Once google and Netflix tech support helped to make me aware of this, I correctly sent the additional (4) /19's to my caches and now all is well. - Aaron