In message <Pine.LNX.4.10.9907281242140.18497-100000@anime.net>, Dan Hollis wr ites:
On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, John Fraizer wrote:
Perhaps if you were to NAME these networks, they may be shamed into doing something about the problem.
Anyone for a weekly 'bogons transit list'?
The problem being, that you would need to know where these packets originated, and if you knew that, you could probably get the problem fixed in the first place. Lack of a soci-technological solution for interprovider backtracing limits the utility of this, and since you can't really pin point the 10 ten bogon transit providers you don't have much ability to shame people into fixing their stuff.
Then again, they should be ashamed to begin with for passing RFC1918 traffic, let alone loopback space.
You would think so. But somehow these packets still show up.
--- jerry@fc.net Freeside/ Insync Internet, Inc.| 512-458-9810 | http://www.fc.net #include <sys/machine/wit/fortune.h>