On Oct 13, 2011, at 3:21 PM, McCall, Gabriel wrote:
ActiveSync on Android allows corporate to force compliance with security policy and allow remote wipe. User cannot complete the exchange account setup without permitting the controls. If the user doesn't agree their sync isn't enabled. Moreover, if corporate requirements change sync is disabled until you approve again. That seems like it covers all the bases to me.
Same on iThings, plus SSL, wipe if 10 incorrect pass codes entered, enforcement of more than a 4-digit PIN pass code, auto-lock timeout, etc., etc. Any device that doesn't do this is likely old and / or going out of biz. I like Jared's attempt to bring this back on topic, though. :) So going down that path, exactly why is iMessage any different from Skype, AIM, Jabber, etc.? I mean other than likely being part of the OS / seamlessly integrated. (I haven't tried it yet, so I am just assuming Apple has done their standard UI magic on this.) In fact, Skype, just as a for instance, is worse on hotel wifi as launching the app on a laptop makes you a middle node for some conversations. Does Skype on $HANDHELD have the same property? -- TTFN, patrick
-----Original message----- From: Andrea Gozzi <mls@vp44.net> To: Jamie Bowden <jamie@photon.com>, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com>, Jay Ashworth <jra@baylink.com> Cc: NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Thu, Oct 13, 2011 17:02:53 GMT+00:00 Subject: Re: NANOG:RE: [outages] News item: Blackberry services down worldwide
Can't but agree with Jamie. The ability to centralize management for all Blackberry users and _force_ them to comply with company policy (it's an investment bank) saved us lot of hassle when, and it happens regularly, people lose their handsets. Otherwise, it would be all unencrypted, unmonitored and unprotected access points to customer's private data. Some of our representatives recently switched to iphones, but nobody from management will ever be allowed anything than a Blackberry.
On 10/13/11 5:55 PM, "Jamie Bowden" wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: Christopher Morrow [mailto:morrowc.lists@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:36 AM To: Jay Ashworth Cc: NANOG Subject: Re: [outages] News item: Blackberry services down worldwide
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jamie Bowden"
Someday either Google or Apple will get off their rear ends and roll out an end to end encrypted service
plugs into corporate email/calendar/workgroup services and we can all gladly toss these horrid little devices in the recycle bins where
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Jay Ashworth wrote: that they
I'm fairly sure K-9 does GPG, at least for the email
plus normal mail + k9 will do TLS on SMTP and IMAP... or they both do with my mail server just fine. (idevices seeem to also do this well enough)
It's possible that the 'encryption' comment from Jamie is really about encrypting the actual device... which I believe Android[0] will do, I don't know if idevices do though.
As of 2.3[.x?] (can't remember if it's a sub release that intro'd this), Android devices can be wholly encrypted, though I don't know if they are by default. All these kludges are great on a small scale, but the BES does end to end encryption for transmission, plugs into Exchange, Lotus, Sametime, proxies internal http[s], and lets us manage policies and push out software updates from a central management point. When it works, it's also scalable, which matters when you have thousands of devices to manage.