From what I've read so far, it's still not clear whether it was an attack on a host(s) or a pipe(s). It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to release at least that much info.... -ls-
Declan McCullagh <declan@wired.com> wrote:
From my perspective, corporations are filtering information through clueless PR flacks to a (relatively clueless) media. I can't buy that sites hit by an attack 48 hours ago "have no idea what is going on." If that's the case, some people need to be fired real quick.
At 21:24 2/9/2000 -0600, Rodney Caston wrote:
It's because people are being very closed mouthed with this, the corps either have no idea what is going on or do not wish to share what they know, and those involved with the attacks have done a good job of keeping silent. Besides comparing Morris's worm to what is going on now is hardly fair, the net was a very different place then, and his cpu cycle hog of a program was alot easier to deal with and detect.