Robert, we will look to make the text more clear. Thanks John Sweeting, ARIN CCO Sent from my iPhone On Jul 14, 2023, at 2:17 PM, Robert Webb <rwfireguru@gmail.com> wrote: No, I didn't quit reading.. The issue being a newcomer and not fully versed on the levels, I never made the connection of the /36 to the 2X-Small Category. A simple addition of adding in a reference to that category would make it a lot more clear.. Something as simple as changing to the below, would have more easily triggered that connection. *There is a temporary IPv6 fee waiver for organizations in the 3X-Small service category. A 3X-Small organization may receive registry services for up to a /36 of total IPv6 space and remain in the 3X-Small service category and not be charged at the 2X-Small fee schedule. This waiver will expire 31 December 2026. On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 1:57 PM Jon Lewis <jlewis@lewis.org<mailto:jlewis@lewis.org>> wrote: On Fri, 14 Jul 2023, Robert Webb wrote:
For all of you who have historical knowledge of how ARIN has/does operate, throw that out the window and look at it from a newcomer point of view and the wording being taken at face value.
You just stopped reading after the part you liked :) "There is a temporary IPv6 fee waiver for organizations in the 3X-Small service category. A 3X-Small organization may receive registry services for up to a /36 of total IPv6 space and remain in the 3X-Small service category. This waiver will expire 31 December 2026." The "fee waiver" is that they're allowing a 3x-small org to grow into a 2x-small org's worth of v6 space while staying at the 3x-small org annual fee. Presumably, you could request a /40, and then request another (and another...), and as long as you have a /36 or less worth of v6 space, you'll still only owe $250/year for the IPv6 space until this "deal" expires at the end of 2026. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis, MCP :) | I route StackPath, Sr. Neteng | therefore you are _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________