Patrick Gilmore wrote [context inserted]:
Perhaps using the RFC required address [noc@akamai] would be more
productive than e-mailing 10k strangers?
Normally I see emails like this and, if it's Not In My Back Yard, and
Not to add to a potential "peeing" contest here.... but we have Akamai equipment in our network - it's a very important component to our service delivery. If/when there is ever a problem (quite rare in our experience other than the odd hardware failure that has no impact anyways due to the cluster configuration) we send an email to noc@akamai.com. Typical response times on a 24X7 basis never normally exceed 20 minutes at most. I can remember one time where it might have been an hour. That's a long ways from "blackhole" based on our experience... Paul Stewart -----Original Message----- From: JC Dill [mailto:jcdill.lists@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 5:03 PM Cc: NANOG list Subject: Re: Akamai wierdness Paul Wall wrote: the
Internet is not going nutz, the delete key explains how worried i am.
Back to your email:
using the RFC required address
The correct catty response to the Akamai question is : ccare@akamai.com. That's C as in "Customer", Care as in "they actually care".
I would end the email there, but it really gets me how someone that is in-house doesn't realize that noc@akamai is a black hole.
Paul, you might want to test a theory of this nature before you post about it to more than a thousand of your colleagues. This morning I sent email to noc@akamai.com and received a personalized (non-autoresponder) reply 17 minutes later. jc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains confidential and/or privileged material. If you received this in error, please contact the sender immediately and then destroy this transmission, including all attachments, without copying, distributing or disclosing same. Thank you."