On Sun, 27 Apr 2003 21:56:20 EDT, alex@yuriev.com said:
I live in rural America. I provide access for rural America. There is only one public exchange point close buy and it is over 100 miles from my nearest pop (and the exchange has it's own problems). Capacity from various networks is limited, and it can take over 6 months to get the carriers upgraded to handle a new OC3, much less OC-12 or gig-e.
Why are you getting carriers to upgrade to handle OC-3 as opposite to getting your own dark fiber and lighting it up? In 6 month they will build you the 100 miles in nowhere. It is actually a lot more difficult to get them to cross Park Avenue in Manhattan then it is to get fiber into rural area.
Umm.. Alex? There's places around the US that would make a fiber pull across Park Avenue look like a cakewalk. We're talking places that won't get a fiber pull because no company will lay 50 to 100 miles of fiber before having a *guarantee* of multiple customers to amortize the cost over. Wyoming/Idaho... Maine.. Appalachia.. http://www.ecorridors.vt.edu is what we're doing to try to fix the chicken-and-egg problem (basically, the same build-and-privatize model that we already used for http://www.bev.net and http://www.networkvirginia.net). http://www.ecorridors.vt.edu/papers/location/lenowisco/Demo%20Slide%20Show.p... Go look at page 3, and ask yourself what provider in their right mind will start pulling dark cable to *THERE* - closest reasonable city is Knoxville TN at around 100 miles away. We're talking about places that make Blacksburg VA look like suburbs.. ;) On the other hand, if you're a provider that thinks this makes sense, let us know.. ;)