On 7/10/21 12:09 PM, bzs@theworld.com wrote:
No, the root of the problem is the telcos making billions on these robocalls. Make that illegal, start fining them billions (whatever it takes), and it will stop.
We've already had this discussion on nanog, recently, and people who were in that business stood up to affirm that yes indeed-y they're (telcos) making big buck$ on these robocalls.
If you doubt that (the usual "I don't actually know a thing about it but I want to say here that I'd rather not live in a world where that's true so I'll make some vague analogy to email spam etc") I suggest you start making thousands of phone calls per hour and tell us how it works out.
Telcos aren't email systems, they know every phone call terminating and originating on their systems and they do detail billing. When was the last time you made even one billable call and they missed it?
Telcos have often been described as vast detailed billing systems with a voice (etc) feature attached.
But they sure are taking advantage of the public's belief that this is all somehow out of their control. Nope.
The cynic in me would say that STIR was a 10 year long way to delay cutting off the gravy train that could have been done simply by regulation. Mike