Personally, I'm not being sarcastic at all. Right now, peering agreements are the wild west. But.. there's rulemaking going on at the FCC - driven by all the talk about "network neutrality" and "Internet Fast Lanes" -- that is likely to have real impacts on all of us. Most of what passes for "discussion" is posturing by various big players, interest groups, and pundits. (To an earlier comment - Verizon is not a small ISP; but neither is Netflix a small business.) These are real questions, that merit serious examination - not to mention serious input to the current FCC rulemaking from knowledgeable folks. Just one man's opinion, of course. Miles Fidelman deleskie@gmail.com wrote:
I've only been 1/2 paying attention, did I miss the <sarcasm> tag are are people really looking for those answers.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network. Original Message From: Miles Fidelman Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2014 6:11 PM Cc: NANOG Subject: Re: Verizon Public Policy on Netflix
Joly MacFie wrote:
Now we're
so far off in the weeds, I can't even see where we started from. ^_^;;
What I'd like to know is
1) when does a terminating network become a transit network, and.. 2 )are there, should there, be different peering standards for each, and 3) if so some kind of functional if not structural separation 4) by regulation?
Ditto. These questions really get to the nub of the current issues!
Miles Fidelman
-- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra