It just protects fly-by-night spam houses from doing their evil deeds.. It doesnt really serve a whole lot of good tho, imho, there are new domains that I registered that I'm getting spam sent to , because i'm contact on them ... :/
On Tue, 26 Aug 1997, Robert T. Nelson wrote:
If you can prove you've got a good reason to FTP 'em, they'll give you a login and password; I know of a few people who've done it already.
And sign an NDA....
Untrue. I sent a one line description of why I wanted access, which basically amounted to "I just want access" and was quickly provided with a login and password. I signed nothing and made no representations about what else I might do with the data.
-- Paul Phillips | Let my people go!!!! Lost Sheep | -- bug report received at PlaySite <paulp@go2net.com> | +1 206 447 1595 |--------* http://www.go2net.com/people/paulp/ *--------
-- jamie g.k. rishaw dal/efnet:gavroche IAGnet/CICNet/netILLINOIS 'whois JGR2' for PGP keyID/Fingerprint __ Network Operations/TSD DID:216.902.5455 FAX:216.623.3566 \/ 800.637.4IAGx5455 "This isn't a stop light. It's a stop sign." - Scully, X-Files