NANOG Community, As many of you know, NANOG has been taken over by a new membership-based non-profit corporation, NewNOG, Inc. Things are going well so far. The NANOG Intellectual Property transfer is moving along nicely. We've been signing up lots of sponsors for the Denver meeting coming up in June, and are getting lots of interest in sponsorship for next fall's Philadelphia meeting. We expect to have great programs for those meetings as well. We began signing up members during the Miami NANOG meeting at the end of January, and are now up to 160 members. In addition to providing some of the organization's financial support, the membership makes the decisions on how the organization is run. In effect, the membership is NANOG. The current list of members is at https://newnog.org/members.php. The membership policy is at https://newnog.org/membership-policy.php. For those of you who haven't joined yet, we'd like to once again ask you to become members. Membership is $100 per year, with a 10% discount for pre-paying for three or more years. Student membership is $50 per year. Members receive a $25 per meeting registration discount. You can join at https://newnog.org/join.php. We will also have a membership table set up at NANOG52 in Denver, which you can visit for information or assistance. For those of you who were having trouble with our PayPal sign-up process, or for those outside the United States, we are now also accepting credit card payments via Google Checkout. Thanks for your support, Steve Gibbard NANOG Membership Chair NANOG Development Committee _______________________________________________ NANOG-announce mailing list NANOG-announce@nanog.org https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce