Also sprach Dan Hollis
On Fri, 5 Jul 2002, Chris Beggy wrote:
Wcom's overbilling will be investigated:
Is there a single wcom customer on nanog that *hasn't* been overbilled?
I don't think we've done business with *any* telco that hasn't overbilled us, both LECs (BellSouth, GTE/Verizon, Cincinnati Bell, ICG, Adelphia), and l/d (wcom, T, MCI, probably others that I'm forgetting about). I've had the same thoughts as another poster that its a ploy to increase "revenues" (even if they're written off later)...and I actually don't say that thinking it a joke, I really do seriously think that they do that to some degree. -- Jeff McAdams Email: jeffm@iglou.com Head Network Administrator Voice: (502) 966-3848 IgLou Internet Services (800) 436-4456