In light of the recent discussions about auctioning off domain names, I found this to be very interesting -- personal solicitations to -sell- domain names trademarked by other organizations..... ------- Forwarded Message From: "Stephen Peters" <sbp@halcyon.com> Message-Id: <960221203958.ZM11269208@ppp-dialup11.3rdplanet.com> Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 20:35:25 -0800 Reply-To: sbp@halcyon.com To: peterb@psc.edu, dug@lm.com, myke@cyberport.net Subject: (Fwd) Cc: amazing@halcyon.com, kevingo@microsoft.com Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii The scum is beginning to seep out of the internet. Check out the mail someone left on our corporate web site today. This is almost the equivalent of someone opening his overcoat to you on a crowded city street to sell you a wristwatch. Hey buddy! Wanna buy a domain name?! - --- Forwarded mail from nobody <nobody@www1.wa.com> Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 19:27:31 -0800 From: nobody <nobody@www1.wa.com> To: amazing@halcyon.com Incoming Feedback to Amazing name = Brian Cimins title = Manager company = Cimins Corp. email address = AgentWeb@aol.com comments = NICE PAGE!!! I was wondering if you guys were interested in obtaining some big names on the internet. Some examples are:
http://www.capitolrecords.com<<< GREAT FOR YOU GUYS!!!
http://www.canadadry.com http://www.bauschlomb.com If you are interested in obtaining any of these sites please send a bid for what you are willing to pay for the transfer of these names over to your names and over to your server. Thank you for your time!!! Sincerely, Brian Cimins 609-652-7116 P.S. I have already sold such names as http://www.billclinton.com, http://www.powerrangers.com, and readersdigest.com, bdalton.com, and barnes-noble.com!!! These corporations will pay big bucks for these names!!! - ---End of forwarded mail from nobody <nobody@www1.wa.com> - -- sbp@amz.com http://www.amz.com/ Amazing Online Marketing For all your Web advertising needs Fax: 503.768.3865 Custom Web Sites, Soup to Nuts ------- End of Forwarded Message