Joe Abley wrote:
If this were rigorously enforced, it would provide a mechanism for anybody with an axe to grind to take out any web site on the planet. Once all the commercial web sites had been taken off the air, the commercial web hosters would go out of business. Once all the web hosters were off the air, the access providers would go out of business (since there would be no interweb left for their customers to look at).
When dealing with any account, common sense is required. If a company is being advertised via spam without approval, they have good legal standing to go after the spammer. After all, sending out spam doesn't exactly help their business image. Yet how many spams are sent out advertising pr0n and the websites never cancelled? How many get rich schemes? The last I checked, no-more-viruses.com was still at it and wasting my time by sending their filth to every role account I have. -Jack