Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 13:35:37 -0700 From: Crist Clark <crist.clark@globalstar.com>
Mike Lewinski wrote:
[...snip...] OS's IP stack is misbehaving badly, Zone Alarm should not see the traffic on the LAN that does not have his MAC address on it.
How would a switch/router be deciding that these other IP addresses should go to his PC's NIC (MAC address)?
Unless the switch got confused when the MAC address changed as it did...? Then the switch would go into "broadcast" or "flood" mode where every packet is delivered to evey port because the switch doesn't know where to send it. Regards, Gregory Hicks
-- Crist J. Clark crist.clark@globalstar.com Globalstar Communications (408) 933-4387
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregory Hicks | Principal Systems Engineer Cadence Design Systems | Direct: 408.576.3609 555 River Oaks Pkwy M/S 6B1 | Fax: 408.894.3479 San Jose, CA 95134 | Internet: ghicks@cadence.com Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by ignorance or stupidity. Asking the wrong questions is the leading cause of wrong answers "The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton