mr. wolodkin, it is not possible to support multiple public sets of root name servers. the DNS protocol does not support it. BIND does not support it. what happens when you try is called "cachaphony." anyone who tries is harming the public internet user population with only their own gain (usually psychological, sometimes monetary) as justification. i call these people "pirates" and i mean it in the same sense as i would call you a pirate if you decided to broadcast on one of my local television channels since you thought your programming was better. depending on radiuses i could get (a) a signal i didn't want or (b) a mixture of crap and no signal at all. there is no justification for eDNS, alterNIC, or any of these other pirates. they are in this for foolish and destructive reasons. DNS is a coherent, distributed, reliable database. with one set of roots. if you don't like that you should start by changing the speed of light since i'm sure you don't like "C" either. and if E=MC**2 bothers you i think that you should change it as well. and if you want PI to equal 3, just wish and your wishing will make it so. says so right here on the label. i am not impressed with your apologist role here. paul vixie