Hi Jim,
I'm not sure we can provide the type of quantitative data your looking for but we can discuss/present qualitative measures we are taking to improve interconnectivity (i.e. more bandwidth).
The problem is that NANOG presentations always say how good it is and how much better it is about to be. Not to pick on NAP ops, the NSPa and ISPs have as well. We all do it. But the end customers are saying how bad it is, and that it is getting worse. Maybe it is time to get real metrics and real measurements of the different pieces, so we can see where things are fine, where we have current problems, and where problems could be in the future. No, this is not an instant job. No, it will not be an easy job. But with end users whining, and ill-informed press sensationalizing, it's getting hard to sit through NANOG presentations where everybody says how wonderful it all is. As a community of operators, it would be cool to deal with real operational metrics, not marketing glossies. And if we have to shut the press out, or go to a more 'safe' forum, then that's cool too. We need more Vern Paxson and less rose colored glasses. randy