And you need a license to operate VSAT in Fiji (as well as to operate an ISP), which is near impossible to get on the mainland, as TFL can provide you the service you require. For SCC, FINTEL and TFL have direct access to SCC. Tho last time I looked, TFL peering is not very good. FINTEL: http://bgp.he.net/AS9241 TFL: http://bgp.he.net/AS45349 And there is the University of the South Pacific which is not a provider of any Internet Service http://bgp.he.net/AS24390 The fun part of all of that, is that the interconnection of these 3 AS is done overseasÅ FAIL! On 7/31/12 6:05 PM, "Mike Hale" <eyeronic.design@gmail.com> wrote:
VSAT *isn't* a waste of time if you're willing to spend the money.
But that, of course, is the key point. Quality VSAT service costs a LOT of money (3k-5k per asymetrical megabit). Plus, a quality provider will have no problem providing you with BGP.
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 5:58 PM, Zaid Ali <zaid@zaidali.com> wrote:
Fintel and TFL sleep in the same bed essentially. Fintel is the gatekeeper of the southern cross cable protected heavily by the local government, your typical monopoly setup. Connect is a business unit of TFL. I think you can do the math there.
Fintel does not do BGP out of the country (or didn't the last time I was there). Forget VSAT, waste of time.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 5:39 PM, Mike Hale wrote:
It looks like Fintel and TFL are both providers for Southern Cross cable. That would be your best bet if they can get lines out to you.
Otherwise, there's always VSAT, but that brings a set of other issues with it.
Ping me offlist if you want more detail on the VSAT stuff.
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 4:55 PM, Franck Martin <fmartin@linkedin.com> wrote:
In no particular order
Connect.com.fj aka tfl.com.fj Fintel.com.fj Vodafone.com.fj (via a 3G stick) Digicel.com.fj (via a 2G stick, but also via a wireless backbone network)
If you want to do BGP or IPv6, good luck!
Is that for Fiji Water? ;)
These people have very good operational Internet experience in Fiji.
http://www.linkedin.com/in/timothyverma http://www.linkedin.com/pub/alfred-prasad/0/409/14a http://au.linkedin.com/in/skeeve
On 7/31/12 1:14 PM, "Philip Lavine" <source_route@yahoo.com> wrote:
Who offeres Internet Bandwidth in Fiji Islands (Lautoka and Yaqara)?
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