Ronald van der Pol [mailto:Ronald.vanderPol@rvdp.org] wrote:
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 15:04:25 +0200, Jeroen Massar wrote:
The bad news here, or actually good news, is that many ISP's don't register their client /48's. ... Many other tunnelbrokers exist, check for example freenet6, ipv6.he.net and xs26, who apparently have loads of delegations, these are not to be found in the registries either.
Next to that many people still use 6bone space...
Right. And I only counted 2001:600::/23 :-( The other RIPE space has: 2001:600::/23 728 2001:800::/23 213 2001:a00::/23 67 2001:1400::/23 30 2001:1600::/23 0
So a remark like "... no one in Europe is interested either." is nonsense.
That is absolute nonsense, but hey the people in the US don't know that, because they don't know what is happening here *pinch* ;) And that we do actually try and keep up with the apnic countries. Even Steve Deering admitted that, see the great presentation he gave last year, in Amsterdam at isoc: http://www.isoc.nl/activ/2002-Masterclass-IETF-IPv6.htm It has a timeline (slides 47-50) showing the US falling behind for at least 3 years... come on US show what you are good for :) Greets, Jeroen