This has nothing to do with IPv6, of course, other than that modern phones use VoLTE so within a mobile carrier's network your voice call is probably handled using IPv6 transport.
Good point John.
A lot of folks missed that ipv6 absorbed the scale growth in mobile, and mobile is what most eyeballs and be big content consider the internet to be. And, yes, mobile voice is called VoLTE and is most commonly deployed in the usa with ipv6. And most internet is called youtube / fb, and that is ipv6 too. This is where i live and work , 87% of mobiles on v6, voice and data https://www.worldipv6launch.org/apps/ipv6week/measurement/images/graphs/Comb... This is where nanog seems to be (old man yells at cloud meme) https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/memepediadankmemes/images/0/01/297.jpg/rev... I don’t see the failure of ipv6 in 2021. It is globally deployed, providing global address, to billions of things and PB/s of content There are laggards in adopting v6, but they have not stopped the frontier of internet to reaching billions of people and things.