At 5:23 PM 2/18/97, Karl Denninger wrote: [...]
What do you think happens to the nameservers on the net when they're asked for a domain that doesn't have functional servers, and they sit and churn trying to resolve the names?
BTW, churn is the right word. Its taking anywhere from 5-10 *seconds* to come back as NXDOMAIN on each request for those that fail to resolve, and this is from the IANA roots.
This IS a functional problem - and worse, all those non-existant zones and the VM churn they generate on the COM TLD servers is probably the REASON that we're looking at this kind of horrid performance!
Churn shmurn. Those domains are probably ones that have been paid for (to the InterNIC), but aren't yet being used. Who's accessing those unused domains and doing all this needless churning? We should find 'em and string 'em up. Seems like most of the churning would be caused by spammers and testers like yourself. I'd be interested in seeing actual machine statistics on how much performance degredation can be attributed to lack of responses. Without those statistics, I can't see how the InterNIC fees aren't covering this scenario. As was mentioned before, you shouldn't have to pay an ISP to have a domain name reserved. Chris Russo ------------------------------------------------------------------ A-Link Network Services (408) 720-6161 http://www.alink.net This space for rent. ------------------------------------------------------------------