Hello, We're starting a series of Q&A Webinar sessions for those that love Telecom. The first topic we're going to touch on is Virtualization vs Bare Metal (http://2600hzqa1.eventbrite.com/) this Friday, 4/19, at 10am Pacific. Two fridays after that, on May 3rd, we'll be covering faxing (http://2600hzqa2.eventbrite.com/), also at 10am Pacific. We hope you'll join us. This is intended to be a non-marketing event, you won't hear sales pitches on these calls, but you will get insight from companies and individuals that have built large telecom infrastructures. We are an open-source company and this is part of giving back to the community of giants on whose shoulders we stand. I hope you'll join us, and if anyone has any questions prior to the event, please don't hesitate to ask. Cheers, Joshua Joshua Goldbard VP of Marketing, 2600hz 116 Natoma Street, Floor 2 San Francisco, CA, 94104 415.886.7923 | j@2600hz.com<mailto:j@2600hz.com>