Hi, Back last year, I experienced less than expected reliability with QFX and their QSFPs. We prefer to use optic.ca since they're a few minutes from our DC's and will respond within the day, with platform and firmware changes, which we can test in lab before shipping to our remotes. The price difference is made reducing downtime in our case. ----- Alain Hebert ahebert@pubnix.net PubNIX Inc. 50 boul. St-Charles P.O. Box 26770 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 6G7 Tel: 514-990-5911 http://www.pubnix.net Fax: 514-990-9443 On 2019-09-20 08:54, Bryan Holloway wrote:
It boils down to a business case.
In my travels we see a high failure rate -- higher than I'd like to see --, but $boss likes the price, and, as Jason pointed out below, for the price, it can be a "successful" business model.
In a nutshell:
For someone on a budget, they're great; buy spares.
For someone who doesn't want to deal with outages, call-volume, hands tickets, truck-rolls, and has money to burn, there are better alternatives.
On 9/20/19 2:41 PM, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
We have maybe 1:50 DOA, but they’re so cheap, we just throw them out because it’s not worth the RMA.
That said, I can’t remember the last time we’ve had any of these fail in the field, or have had any issues with variablity in TX/RX power. We have tens of thousands of these in the field, from 100Mb Bidi to 100G-LR and everything in between, including *WDM up to 80KM.
On Sep 20, 2019, at 8:31 AM, Nicholas Warren <nwarren@barryelectric.com> wrote:
Anyone have experience with fs.com's lasers? Are they reliable?