A few years back, Ronald named-and-shamed my work's new carrier for facilitating a prefix hijacker on this very list. As luck would have it, I had a fresh, crisp business card from our sales rep, so I passed the (quite legitimate) grievance along, and a short time later, the hijacked prefixes had one less upstream. Years later now, I have a different job, and a circuit with AS209. I'll see if I can't scare someone up (if it's still active by the time I get into the office). Thanks Ronald. Rest assured that many of us remember. :-) Jima On 2017-08-03 05:21, Ken Chase wrote:
RIPE or one of dem dere responsible RIRs should hire him.
I got a sales call in a few weeks with NTT, let's see if Job is successful and then I can be duly impressed and even more interested in their products.
This shit actually matters, sometimes.