On Wed, 13 May 1998, Raymond Curci wrote:
I recently migrated a DNS server with many domains and found out an undocumented command. If you first find out the NIC handle for your DNS server, use the whois interface's server command to locate domains with NS records pointing to your server. Here is an example to locate domains with NS records pointing at my server, CNTFL.COM:
I've been doing that for some time...trouble is, we're listed as authoratative for probably a thousand domains or more. yoda:~$ whois "server KASHM-HST" [rs.internic.net] Aborting search 256 records found ..... ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | I guess only the first 256 are Network Administrator | important :) Florida Digital Turnpike | ______http://inorganic5.fdt.net/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key____