We've had some good success with the Cisco wireless LAN controllers in our office. The reception staff are given "Lobby Admin" access that let's them create users with a default expiry of a day (but can go up to 90 days I think). The wireless is technically open, but they can't do anything until they authenticate through the controller's web GUI. They we have access lists to control what they can do while on the wireless. Sent from my “contract free” BlackBerry® smartphone on the WIND network. -----Original Message----- From: "Bill Lewis" <blewis@hottopic.com> Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 12:15:55 To: <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Public Wireless access (ticket / token / schedule based) What is everyone using for enterprise grade wireless authentication for simple public access (i.e. users that are non-employee that need internet access (non-PCI) while in your building). Obviously I will hang this off a DMZ switch outside of my private LAN. Looking for something vendor driven, don't have time for anything home grown or unsupported / community based. Thanks, Bill Lewis Hot Topic