On Wed Mar 01, 2023 at 09:24:02AM +0100, Etienne-Victor Depasquale via NANOG wrote:
Would anyone care to comment on how well this matches his/her perception of the current state of deployments?
The UK has an annual survey by the regulator https://www.ofcom.org.uk/research-and-data/multi-sector-research/infrastruct... There are some UK specific terms due to marketing (such as FTTC = fibre to the cabinet which uses VDSL2 to the home) For your graphs - We have a large now legacy VDSL2 population probably around 80%, little G.FAST as that was a dead end while trying to avoid fibre. A fair bit of ADSL2+ in usually rural areas and outliers not covered by FTTC, estimate 10% though this is being rapidly targeted by FTTH builders. Various DOCSIS is just called cable, I can't differentiate the generations installed. There is one operator with around 20% market share. It's dead tech now except for refresh while they try and keep competitors at bay until they can move to fibre themselves. It's fast enough for now but all marketing is for gigabit fibre though most do not take 1Gb/s service. FWA and 4/5G are relatively small though 4G has had some success as a stop gap in rural. The VDSL2 and ADSL2+ are most rapidly being replaced with the only growing tech, fibre, which was around 10%. This is the only tech of interest, anyone building something else is doomed. Most of the fibre is GPON, a little XG, and some AE (which I've also built a little of). The incumbent is driving the GPON, there are many altnets building but just doing the same as they fight for customers while they overbuild each other, it's starting to get a bit messy with resulting M&A. brandon