PSI was sold for 10 million and it had quite a few more stuff then just /8, just customers alone were 10M in yearly revenue, plus to that equipment, peering agreements (cogent was after this the most I'd guess), fiber, etc. In fact I doubt if 38/8 played any significant role in decision by cogent to buy psi or if it was considered important enough asset to actually be part when coming with total amount. As for /16 I would be seriously surprised if the price for it is at 250k as has been mentioned. If somebody really needs those ips and can justify that, they can go to arin and /16 would be $5000/year. Since the ip block of that "for sale /16" that initiated this thread was out of legacy ip space, there are no maintanance fee charges on it and you save that $5000/year. But since most ISPs are valued at one year of their revenue, similar should apply here, so value of the company that only has /16 (out of legacy space) would be $5,000 - $10,000 and nowhere close to reported 200k - I would expect that message with that price has been a big big lie to raise initial bid and get rid of those who were offering 10k so leaving only highier then normal bidders. On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Brandon Ross wrote:
On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Simon Lyall wrote:
I recall being told around 1995 of a company that "owned" a /8 and as such was valued at around $5 million more than it's other (apparantly few) assets indicated. Not sure who it was but a quick check of the list shows Interop (45/8) as being an obvious candidate.
Unlikely considering I'm announcing it right now here at N+I Vegas. Of course I don't work for Key3Media and therefore I don't represent what the company may or may not do.