Greetings, As part of setting up a new Internet Exchange in Fremont, California, we've been investigating prefix filtering on the route servers based on IRR. Unfortunately, we were not satisfied with any of the existing documentation available online as far as taking a network engineer from "zero" to "just enough IRR to post our prefixes for filtering". Lacking this documentation, it was rather unreasonable for us to turn on filtering and drop most of our peer's prefixes without a relevant whitepaper to point them to to get started. So, we wrote our own guide: http://fcix.net/whitepaper/2018/07/14/intro-to-irr-rpsl.html I thought others on this list would find our whitepaper interesting, and/or have valuable feedback based on their experience applying IRR themselves. -- Kenneth Finnegan Technical Director Fremont Cabal Internet Exchange http://fcix.net/