Does anyone know of a replacement for the Network Probe Daemon software = that was distributed through the IPMA website?
I've been working with colleagues at PSC on a successor called "NIMI". Its goals are: (1) accommodate a wide range of measurement policies; (2) accommodate a wide range of measurement tools; (3) take security seriously; (4) take scaling seriously. There's a paper giving an overview available from: V. Paxson, J. Mahdavi, A. Adams, and M. Mathis, An Architecture for Large-Scale Internet Measurement. IEEE Communications, Vol.36, No.8, pp 48-54, August 1998. ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/nimi-ieee-comm98.ps.gz The software is alpha level and under active development. The current infrastructure is 28 hosts, which we're in the process of trying to grow to double that size within the next few months. Volunteers who can host a box are highly welcomed - drop me a line at vern@ee.lbl.gov if interested. Vern