At 02:20 PM 6/3/2003 -0400, Matthew Zito wrote:
This is marginally related to the power discussions earlier, but does anyone know of a product that steps up 120V AC to 220V AC and is reasonably datacenter-friendly? We're looking at an environment where there's no 220V available - but we only need ~7 amps so conversion could be possible to my high-school-physics mind. I've found some products that seem to be appropriate, but they're geared towards a more industrial purpose. Is there a rackmount 120->220V converter that people out there have used and would recommend?
This is from www.grainger.com Their Item # <http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/productdetail.jsp?xi=xi&ItemId=1611670360>2CN75 Product Category: <http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/searchcategory.jsp?xi=xi&category=-1610648338>Electrical
Description Transformer 7.5K Watt, 1 Phase (190 to 220)/(380 to 440) Volt Primary 110/220 Volt Secondary Grainger Item: 2CN75 Price (ea) : $810.00 Manufacturer: SQUARE D Mfg. Model#: 7S67F <javascript:popWin('/help_uom.html');>Ship Qty : 1 <javascript:popWin('/help_uom.html')>Sell Qty(Will-Call) : 1 Usually Ships : Special Order Catalog 394 Page: N/A Your website says you are located in NYC. If this is for you and not for a client in Congo, your 120V feed either comes from one leg of a 120/208V three phase service or 120/240V single phase service. If you take any two hot legs in either case, you will be able to power your equipment directly with either 208V or 240V. You will probably need to pay an electrician to do this work for you, but it will probably be easier and much better than running an auxiliary transformer. You should definitely consult an electrician to determine the best solution for your needs. Another option is to replace the power supply in the unit in question. Most equipment vendors now make auto-sensing world power supplies which will work on just about any voltage from 90VAC to 250VAC for homogenization of their products worldwide. -Robert Tellurian Networks - The Ultimate Internet Connection http://www.tellurian.com | 888-TELLURIAN | 973-300-9211 "Good will, like a good name, is got by many actions, and lost by one." - Francis Jeffrey