23 Nov
23 Nov
11:01 p.m.
On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, Sean Donelan wrote:
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
Yeah right. That's why Worldcom's frame-relay network was "unusable" for about 10 days and took out part of the Chicago Board of Trade elecronic trading system.
and to be fair it might have actually been MCI's network at that time, with name changes though I'm losing track... not EVERYTHING is worldcom's fault :) It was 100% Worldcom. The old MCI people at the time repeatedly pointed out that the MCI frame-relay network (also owned by Worldcom at the time) wasn't effected.
a kind outside poster set me straight about the Frame outage... apparently everything IS worldcom's fault! :) So, sorry for the confusion.