On Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:30:09 -0500 (EST) Jon Lewis <jlewis@lewis.org> wrote:
On Sun, 28 Jan 2007, Travis H. wrote:
Hey, was discussing something from the long distant past recently. Specifically it was my memory of the last legitimate spamhaus, and how (IIRC) their backbone was DDoS'd as an act of pseudo-vigilante justice. I also seem to remember their backbone as spinning it as a content-neutral free-speech kind of thing, but they buckled and the Internet was probably better off.
"Legit spammer"? Perhaps you're thinking of Sanford Wallace's cyberpromo and AGIS?
Kanter & Seagal's Green Card spam? I think they were the first wide-spread spam. Anyone recall the year/date? I'm thinking 1993. matthew black network services california state university, long beach