Once upon a time, Stephen Satchell <list@satchell.net> said:
On 11/08/2018 07:50 PM, Chris Adams wrote:
Signatures are no longer required for chip card transactions in the US, except I think for transactions where the auth is done on the amount before an added tip (restaurants).
Signatures are required for chip card transactions above a certain dollar amount, with that dollar amount varying from merchant to merchant. I ran into this at the Sprint store when I used a chip card to pay $800+ for my company's overdue wireless bill, and I had to apply pen to paper by hand. And I didn't do my usual response to "sign here": draw a triangle and put "yield" in it.
That's just because Sprint wanted it, not the credit card company. For example with VISA, the signature is "optional" for chip transactions, no matter the amount, but the retailer can still require it if they want (because they want to annoy customers I guess?). https://www.theverge.com/2018/1/12/16884814/visa-chip-emv-signatures-north-a... -- Chris Adams <cma@cmadams.net>